what is morter? type and properties

what is morter?


Mortar is a bonding agent which is relevant to produced by mixing cementing or binding material ( cement) and fine aggregate (sand, surki,  etc.) with water. Mortar is used to bind different building blocks like stones, bricks,acc block , etc. It can also add a decorative pattern in brick or stone masonry or aac block.


Mortar is a material used in masonry construction IN SITE  to fill the gaps between the bricks and blocks used in construction wall. Mortar is a mixture of sand, a binder such as cement or lime, and water and is applied as a paste which then sets hard

  1. Cement Mortar
  2. Lime Mortar
  3. Surki Mortar
  4. Gauged Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement mortar is a type of mortar where CEMENT is used  A binding material and sand is used as fine aggregate. Depend upon the desirable strength, the cement to the sand proportion of cement mortar varies from 1:2 or 1;4 or 1:6.

Lime Mortar

Lime mortar is  type of mortar where lime (fat lime or hydraulic lime) is used as good binding material and sand is used as fine aggregate. The lime to the sand proportion of cement mortar is  1:2. The pyramids at Giza are plastered with lime mortar and looks good.

Gauged Mortar

Gauged mortar is a type of mortar where lime and cement both are used as binding material and sand is used as fine aggregate. Basically, it is a lime mortar where cement is added to gain high strength. The process is known as gauting. The cement to the lime proportion diffrent from 1:6 to 1:9. Gauged mortar is economical than cement concrete and also possess higher strength than lime mortar because lime is not costly.

Surki Mortar

Surki mortar is a type of mortar where lime is used as binding material and surki is used as fine aggregate. Surki mortar is economic good .   

Properties of morter

It is always desirable to use the best morter in construction site . Therefore, the properties of a good morter must be investigated. Generally, good mortar possesses following properties below-
  • The first quality that mortar should possess is adhesion. Good mortar should provide good adhesion to building units (bricks, Stones and plastering ,etc).
  • Mortar should be water resistant. It should have the capability of resisting the penetration of water in morter.
  • Deformability of mortar should be very low.
  • Mortar should be cheap and good quality.
  • Mortar should be easily workable in the construction  site condition.
  • The mobility of mortar should be good. It helps the mortar to be paved thinly and evenly.
  • It should possess high durability.
  • To improve the speed of construction SITE , good mortar should set quickly.
  • Cracks should not be developed in the joint formed by mortar. It is desirable to last for long period of time without losing the appearance

Use of morter

  1. Mortar is used to bind direct the bricks or stones in brick or stone masonry.
  2. Morter  is used to give a soft even bed between different layers of brick or stone masonry for equal distribution of pressure over the bed.
  3. morter is used to fill up the spaces between bricks or stones for making walls tight.
  4. morter is used in concrete as a matrix.
  5. morter is used in plastering works to hide the joints and to improve appearance.
  6. morter is used for molding and ornamental purpose.


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