Concrete and use of concrete,mix design ratio

 What is Concrete -Concrete is a  mixer of cement, sand (fine aggregates) and aggregates (coarse aggregates) mixed with water which hardens with time. concrete is used for foundations, columns, beams, slabs and other load bearing elements in our house.There are different types of binding material is used other than cement such as lime for lime concrete and bitumen for asphalt concrete which is used for road construction site. concrete is most durable material. and after 30 days give me good strength 💪 .

How to increse strength of concrete

some important point of site engineers

Component of concrete

Components of concrete are cement, sand, aggregates , water and some admixtures like flyass etc .  mix of cement and water is called as paste So, concrete can be called as a mixture of paste, sand and aggregates. Sometimes rocks are used instead of aggregates.
 cement paste coats the surface of the fine and coarse aggregates when mixed thoroughly and bind them. Soon after mixing the components, hydration reaction starts which provides strength and a rock solid concrete is obtained.

Uses of Concrete

  1. concrete is a important building product. Concrete is chosen over wood as a construction site material.
  2. concrete  is a  most durable and cost-effective material which is a necessity for underground use. 
  3. Concrete is a good choice for commerical and residential   construction projects. 
  4. The strength of concrete increases over time. 
  5. Concrete can hold up against weather condition and is easy to maintain and dominant. 
  6. It is budget friendly to use everywhere. It is easy to repair & energy efficient.  
  7. Concrete is safe for building occupants.  
  8. Concrete is an inert material which doesn’t burn, mildew or feed rot and rust free material.  
  9. Its superior structural integrity provides added degree of protection from the severe weather as well as an earthquake.  
  10. Concrete floors make a home quite place of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.  
  11. Concrete is produced from locally available materials and leaves a small environmental footprint while still providing good durability.   
  12. Concrete is fire resistant. It can resist extreme level of flames and heat which is a good choice of the ceiling in a storage room. 
  13. Concrete can be shaped in various forms when freshly mixed. 
  14. Concrete isn’t sensitive to moisture.  
  15. Concrete gives a longer service life. 
  16. It keeps home safe from insects. It doesn’t attract insect pest and rodents. That’s why small animals cannot burrow through the concrete to make a home. 
  17. Concrete has multiple design possibilities.
  18.  As it is recyclable, it is possible to use it for addition.  
  19. High-performance concrete is used to build bridges.  
  20. Concrete is able to accommodate steel reinforcements in electrical controls,gates, tunnel lines, .  
  21. A concrete floor can be stamped to create an attractive surface.  
  22. Concrete is used in driveways and patios.
Compressive strength

Concrete mix design ratio -

  concrete mix design ratio are the proportion of cement ,sand and aggregates                                                                                                                                 

Grade of concrete

Concrete GradeMix RatioCompressive Strength
MPa (N/mm2)psi
Normal Grade of Concrete
M51 : 5 : 105 MPa725 psi
M7.51 : 4 : 87.5 MPa1087 psi
M101 : 3 : 610 MPa1450 psi
M151 : 2 : 415 MPa2175 psi
M201 : 1.5 : 320 MPa2900 psi
Standard Grade of Concrete
M251 : 1 : 225 MPa3625 psi
M30Design Mix30 MPa4350 psi
M35Design Mix35 MPa5075 psi
M40Design Mix40 MPa5800 psi
M45Design Mix45 MPa6525 psi
High Strength Concrete Grades
M50Design Mix50 MPa7250 psi
M55Design Mix55 MPa7975 psi
M60Design Mix60 MPa8700 psi
M65Design Mix65 MPa9425 psi
M70Design Mix70 MPa10150 psi


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